CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is that component of a PC or a hosting server that runs all the calculations. Every single CPU operates at a particular speed and the bigger it is, the speedier everything will be processed, so in case you host resource-demanding web applications on a web server, for example, an effective processor shall enable them to be carried out faster, which will significantly contribute to the entire user experience. The newer generations of CPUs have 2 and more cores, each of them operating at a specific speed to ensure a superior and faster performance. Such architecture makes it possible for the processor to manage different processes concurrently or several cores to handle one process if it needs additional computing power in order to be carried out. Needless to say, other variables including the amount of RAM or the connection that a given web server uses could also affect the efficiency of the websites hosted on it.

CPU Share in VPS Servers

We offer a wide assortment of VPS server solutions that are suitable for different purposes. If you want a hosting server to get root access, but you don't need much processing power, for instance, you can purchase a lower-end plan that comes with less system resources. The VPS will be created on a physical web server and our system will set aside a certain CPU share to it. If you need extra resources in the future, you will be able to upgrade to a more powerful solution via the billing CP, and since every package deal features a certain CPU quota your applications can utilize, the extra quota shall be included in your existing account. The physical servers where the virtual ones are set up are designed with 16-core, 3.0+ GHz processors and only a few VPS accounts are created on a given server, so you shall be able to use a virtual server which is as powerful as you require it to be.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated server packages come with a range of hardware configurations, therefore, depending on what you need the hosting server for and on your budget, you can select the best suited one for you. Aside from the various RAM and disk space allocations, every single package deal comes with different CPU shares also. The CPUs we provide have 2-12 cores, so you'll be able to select the package that will suit your needs best. With the most powerful plan, each and every application you run on the web server shall run exceptionally fast regardless what resources it needs and no matter how many people are using it at the same time, but even the lower-end plans are sufficient for most sorts of Internet sites. The overall performance of the CPUs is examined together with all the other hardware components, so as to make sure that the hosting server that we will hand over to you will work faultlessly and at 100% capacity at all times.