Each domain name which is registered and hosted has lots of DNS records - some of them are set up automatically when you host a domain, others can be created manually if required. As an illustration, the A record of a domain is its IP address i.e. this record shows where the website is located; the MX records show where the emails are managed, while with an SRV record you can use a domain for unconventional purposes, for instance a Voice-over-IP service. To be able to create and modify specific records enables you to have different services with different companies if, for example, your current host provides good web hosting, but has difficulties with the e-mail service, or you simply prefer to get a certain service from a particular company. While you must be able to create and edit these records freely and without any limits as you own a given domain name, some companies charge extra to give you this option.

Full DNS Management in Hosting

You are going to have full control of the DNS records of your domains and subdomains with any of our hosting plans. Using the Hepsia hosting CP, you'll be able to access an easy-to-use tool where you can find all present records or set up new ones with no more than a few clicks. Besides the default A and MX records, you can create CNAME, TXT, SRV, and you can also set up private name servers for any domain address that's registered through us. The custom records will offer you a lot of overall flexibility and will enable you to do things like hosting a subdomain on our servers while the main Internet domain is hosted elsewhere or the other way around, using a third-party e mail service, etc. We are never going to ask for any fees from you to be able to manage the DNS records of your internet domain plus the service comes standard with all shared plans.

Full DNS Management in Semi-dedicated Servers

You'll have complete control over the DNS records of your domain addresses and subdomains if you purchase one of our semi-dedicated server plans. The accounts are handled through our custom made Hepsia CP and one of its features is an advanced, even though very simple to use section where you could see, set up or modify any kind of record - A, MX, CNAME, NS, AAAA, TXT or SRV. There is no fee for that and you will have total freedom with regard to managing your domain addresses and choosing the best service for them. As an example, with only a few clicks you can set up any one of the domain addresses in your account to have its website handled by one provider and its e-mails by another, you can also use a domain address as a host name for a VOIP server, which runs on a separate machine. You may also create and use private name servers so that you can give your domains more credibility in case somebody checks them.